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Immunity is one aspect of everybody's life that has been focused on since the pandemic hit. But now more than ever, the focus on building immunity is vital to fight all the new epidemics hitting the world. With Fitness foundation's immunity booster diet, we, with the help of Ayurveda and organically available elements, work on your body's fighting capacity while eliminating the coping mechanism for viruses, flu, and other health issues.
What happens when I stop following the diet?Our trainers ensure that we give you a holistic diet plan inspired by the vedas that only make your consumption right out of your kitchen, making sure the food remains the same, but the quantity, proportion, and timing varies hence, making sure no weight is gained even when you remove the word "diet" from your dictionary.
What is a healthy weight-loss goal?Under the best supervision and studying a body's metabolic rate, an average human body is between 4-6 pounds induced healthily.
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